British Council – SSA TeachingEnglish Evaluation

British Council - SSA TeachingEnglish Evaluation

Sub-Saharan Africa





Lead M&E Consultant(s)

Nicky Hockly & Gavin Dudeney

Project Overview

The British Council in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) offers localised elements of TeachingEnglish (part of the global English Connects programme) to local teachers and teacher educators in the region. TCE carried out a formative evaluation of the first year of formal implementation of TeachingEnglish in SSA, focusing on five initiatives: Female Voices in Africa, Teacher Champions, ELTA (English Language Teaching Association) direct grants, and two online Communities of Practice (CoPs) – a teachers’ CoP in Telegram, and a teacher educators’ CoP in WhatsApp.

Approaches & Outputs

TCE used a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to collect, triangulate, and analyse data from each of the five TeachingEnglish initiatives. Outputs included: an updated logframe with indicators aligned to current funder priorities, an evaluation plan with research questions, a range of qualitative and quantitative evaluation instruments, five case studies, a final evaluation report, and a PowerPoint slide deck of findings.

Impact On

Changes included working with data from two large online CoPs that had generated thousands of interactions, which posed a challenge for analysis. This was addressed by utilising big data analysis techniques and sentiment analysis, to provide statistically relevant and meaningful findings.
