British Council – Global TeachingEnglish Evaluation

British Council - Global TeachingEnglish Evaluation


2023 - 2024




Lead M&E Consultant(s)

Nicky Hockly & Gavin Dudeney

Project Overview

The British Council English Connects programme is accessible to teachers and teacher educators of English worldwide and is delivered primarily through their global TeachingEnglish platforms and initiatives. TCE carried out a formative evaluation of the first year of formal implementation of TeachingEnglish globally. The evaluation assessed programme achievements, and supported overall learning and improvement of the programme through a focus on quality assurance measures.

Approaches & Outputs

Underpinned by contribution analysis as a theoretical framework, TCE used a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to collect, triangulate, and analyse data from a wide range TeachingEnglish initiatives. Outputs included: an updated Theory of Change and log frame, with indicators aligned to funder FCDO priorities, an evaluation plan with research questions, a range of qualitative and quantitative evaluation instruments, ten case studies, a final evaluation report with actionable recommendations and improved quality assurance strategies, and a PowerPoint slide deck of findings. A strong peer-learning approach ensured learning was supported within the British Council implementation team.

Impact On


Changes included working with large amount of primary and secondary data, which posed a challenge for analysis. This was addressed by increasing the size of the evaluation team, and by utilising big data analysis techniques and sentiment analysis for large quantitative datasets.