British Council – English Connects: Teacher Educators Audience Analysis

British Council - English Connects: Teacher Educators Audience Analysis


2023 - 2024




Lead M&E Consultant(s)

Nicky Hockly & Gavin Dudeney

Project Overview

The British Council offer a range of online initiatives to enable teacher educators globally to connect, collaborate and contribute, in order to support their own professional development. This analysis explored teacher educators’ interest and willingness to contribute to a new self-sustaining online space that supports their professional development, along with other proposed initiatives.

Approaches & Outputs

TCE used a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to first conduct a critical review of current online spaces available for teacher educators, and then to collect, triangulate, and analyse data from teacher educators worldwide. Outputs included: an evaluation plan with targeted research questions, a range of qualitative and quantitative evaluation instruments, two progress reports and a final evaluation report, and a public-facing article entitled Online Networking Opportunities for Teacher Educators.

Impact On


Changes included identifying functioning online spaces for teacher educators to analyse, and for the purposes of comparison. This was addressed by drawing on the TCE team’s experience and knowledge of such spaces, as well as the collective knowledge of the teams’ wider online personal learning networks.