Lindsay Clandfield

Lindsay Clandfield

Online Trainer | Materials Developer

Lindsay Clandfield is a Consultant with TCE. His work with TCE includes online materials and task design, virtual teacher training, coaching and mentoring. He is an award-winning writer, teacher, teacher trainer and international speaker in the field of English language teaching. Lindsay has written more than ten coursebooks, including the course Studio (Helbling Languages) Global and Straightforward (Macmillan). Lindsay has also co-written various methodology books for teachers, notably Dealing with Difficulties and Teaching Online (Delta Publishing, with Nicky Hockly). His most recent methodology book was Interaction Online (CUP) which he co-wrote with Jill Hadfield. He has worked on numerous web projects, from blogs to podcasts to online language learning apps. Lindsay is based in Spain and speaks fluent French and Spanish.